Monday, March 26, 2007

We're off to see the doctor...

Lately I have spent a lot of time at the doctors office.

The last 3 trips I made were for Toviel. I took him in this time because he had a horrible cough that I was certain should be cause for concern. It was a terrible, barky cough and at night when I would pick him up during a coughing fit it felt like his ribs were continually compressing and briefly preventing his lungs from taking in any air. And he's so tiny, it's enough to break anyone's heart.

At the doctor's office I joked about how many times I had been there in the past few months with appointments for myself and for my boys. I said to the receptionist, "They say with your second child you are more relaxed. I don't know about that."

The receptionist responded with a smirk on her face, "Well, you are supposed to be more relaxed, but YOU aren't!"


I wanted to go kick her in the shins. Especially after I had seen the doctor.

It turns out Toviel's lungs are fine. His upper lungs are a little muddled, but his lower lungs sound clear. But, the doctor pointed out that I had done the right thing in bringing him in.

Then, since I'm such a multi-tasker, I said to the doctor I was concerned about something else as well. "I've noticed some odd movements that Toviel has been making," I explained. I tried to describe them and demonstrate them, but I could tell from the doctor's expression that I wasn't doing that great of a job explaining his movements, I was only doing a bang-up job at making myself look like a fool.

"I video-taped them," I finally said, "and I have my camera and the tape with me, all cued up. Would you like to see it?"

I am an ultra prepared person.


Although I wasn't ultra prepared or even just regular prepared that time that Elijah had a voiding accident while we were in Calgary and we had to gird him in a pair of Toviel's pants - it was amusing to see a 2 & 1/2 year old wear size 3-6 month pants. But that's another story. This time I was prepared. Ultra-ly.

The doctor did want to take a look.

"Hmmmmmm," he said after watching the footage, while scratching his face. After a short pondering, he told me he'd like me to take Toviel in to see a neurologist and maybe get an EEG done on him. I felt some release of tension when he said those words. Most people would be the exact opposite. They'd start freaking out when their family doctor wanted to refer their 8 month old baby to a neurologist. But I was already freaking out and had been freaking out for a couple weeks. That's why I videotaped it and brought it in for the doctor to take a look at in the first place. If he'd have blown me off as some sort of freak who was over-worried and wound up like his stupid receptionist did, my worry would only increase (not sure if that's even humanly possible). And I might have kicked both him and his receptionist in the shins.

I have never been to a neurologist before. Not that I know of anyways. We are going tomorrow morning. My hope is that the neurologist laughs and says it's just a shudder or shiver that happens all the time in children who have exhibited incredible signs of being super advanced and super-human, with real super powers and everything. That would be cool. It would especially be cool if one of Toviel's super powers was time control. Because that would be my super power if I could choose one.

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