Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Cake & Toys

It was Elijah's 3rd Birthday on Saturday!!

He loved his birthday cake! It was an angel food race track with real die-cast metal cars from Cars: The Movie on top.

Cool! Cake AND toys! You can see him in the picture eyeing the cars on the top of the cake.

Earlier this month I asked him who he wanted to come to his birthday party.

"Um...Daddy!" he said.
"Who else?" I asked.
"Mommy!" he replied.
"Okay. Who else?"
"Hmmm. Anyone else?" I prodded.
"Miss Megan!" he said. Megan is a friend of mine.
"What about some kids?"
"Naw." He said.
I think Elijah has figured out that adults are more fun because he always gets his way when he plays with adults.

Toviel also had a shot at some cake.
His first reaction was complete and utter disgust.
No gagging though, so that's a good sign.
He didn't taste any, but he did get his hands goopy without too much of a fuss.
Baby steps, baby!

Happy 3rd Birthday Elijah!!!

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