Sunday, February 24, 2008

Back to the drawing board, Maytag.

I wish I had kept track of the number of times I've been vomitted on the past little while. I'm sure it would impress you. But I didn't think the numbers would reach such heights and didn't think about it from the start. Hindsight, eh?

My poor boys have been so sick.

You know that your kids are sick when you wish your washing machine not only had a super sanitize cycle, but also had a built in garburator.

Good times...good times.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh! Happy peuk times. The more kids you have the peukier it gets. Just put the boys in the room with-out carpets, lay blankets down and give them a bucket and teach them to use it for peuking. Good eh?
Anonymous. haha