Friday, July 6, 2007


My first born is a happy mixture of myself and my husband.

At a mere 3 years old, he is emulating parts of us. Today Elijah displayed many of his daddy's characteristics and mannerisms to me. One of these such mannerisms made me giggle, and I'm still chuckling about it.

We were at a large local mall today. Elijah loves pressing the button beside the handicapped doors to make them open, and I encourage it because it's so much easier to get in the door with a stroller and two kids when it automatically opens for you.

As we approached the door today, Elijah said with excitement, "I'm going to press the button, okay?"

"Sure!" I said.

As he pressed the button and the door started to open, he stretched his arm out and pointed in the direction of the door. In a low, serious voice he said "I used my Jedi powers."

He is definately his father's son!

Then at the food court I pulled out an entire english cucumber, peeled and sliced and ready to munch on.

Elijah had polished the whole thing off before I had gotten any. Then he was begging for more cucumber, even though he had already stuffed the entire cucumber into his little 3 year old tummy.

He is definately his mother's son!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Its quite wonderful your son is part of you and yours. Great!