Friday, March 30, 2007

Super Power Smackdown

Our appointment with the neurologist went well.

She asked us a lot of questions and examined Toviel very thoroughly. She even examined his skin with a UV light to check for abnormalities that are sometimes associated with what they thought could be Toviel's problem.

After her examination, her sweet words rang in my ear, "Toviel's EEG was completely normal." and she proceeded to explain what they were looking for and what they didn't find.

She slightly suspected he was exhibing signs of infantile spasms, which is apparently very serious and needs to be treated promptly. She thought the EEG results would come back normal, but since these spasms are serious, she wanted to rule it out.

The verdict is that Toviel does not have infantile spasms. She believes he has something can't remember...something movements....yeah. I think that's what she said. Stereotypic movements. She said they are benign and he will likely grow out of them. I hope she's right.

The neurologist did mention that Toviel has very mature brain waves. But no mention of super powers. Awww, shoot.

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