Sunday, June 3, 2007

Aging Gracefully

I recall not too long ago I saw a commercial on TV for some anti-aging cream. There was a relatively famous person promoting this anti-aging cream (not too famous because I didn't know who they were, but famous enough that they put her name on the corner of the screen along with her age). What got me was this woman was 27 and she said something about fighting the signs of aging. Twenty-seven!!

Aging at 27?, I thought. Really?

I got thinking about it and started to feel a little down since I'm 32 and haven't really thought about the whole aging process and how I do have fine lines all over my face. I looked in the mirror and was quite surprised to see how these lines of expression have snuck up on me. So I've been thinking (in a very unserious, non-commital way) that maybe I should look into some skin care regime, or at the very least, some simple makeup!

This got thrown out the window last Sunday when a congregational member of our church came up to me after the service when I was holding my 2nd born child and kissing him all over his head. She said, "You the bass player aren't you?" "Yeah!" I smiled. It's nice to be noticed sometimes. "Wow!" she said, "I thought you were a teenager, but I see now you have a baby and can't possibly be a teenager." I smiled and said, "Thank you!" emphatically.

I know her statement is actually quite ignorant, because I CAN be a teenager and still have a baby, but that's not the point. The point is, she thought I was a teenager, which would make me at the most 19 years old. But, I'm 32. So now I don't feel so bad about the fine lines on my face.

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