Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Happy Heart Day!

It's almost 6 pm and we still don't know if we are going to eat supper in or eat out. Everyone has crashed for a late nap except for me. Toviel is sleeping on the hardwood floor at my feet. Elijah and Cris are snuggled in bed together. We are fighting off colds, so that has thrown everyone for a loop and sleep needs have increased all around.

I am enjoying my Valentines Day. I got a hair cut after my ultrasound. Cris gave me a gift and a whole whack of twizzelator licorices and I gave him a gift and a whack of chocolate. So I've been snacking on licorice and chocolate (and grapes) all afternoon and the feel-good qualities of those foods are shining through.

Happy Valentines Day to you all!


Anonymous said...

Eat a little less crap and more healthy foods...might help....!!!!

Dee said...

Anonymous, you missed the part where I said this crap had some great feel-good qualities. I wasn't being sarcastic. Licorice and chocolate is good for the soul. And I DID eat grapes too!! ;)