Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Undeserved faithfulness

In light of a recent event (the loss of Cris' job) there is a certain amount of financial anxiety that I am feeling. Not a whole lot, not even close to what I'd expect I'd feel, but a little bit.

Cris ripped his jeans in the knee a couple days ago and so I set out to see if I could find a deal on a pair of jeans for him. The first place I went to was Old Navy. They have nice jeans at a decent price (usually $20 a pair when they are on sale). I looked through the piles and selected a pair of jeans for him that were indeed on sale for $20. I was feeling pretty good about my impending purchase. Then I went to check out the rest of the store really quickly just because I could. At the back I saw a clearance shelf. Yipee! My favorite type of shelf! And would you believe that I found two pairs of jeans in Cris' size that were $3.97?? Four bucks!! And I didn't even have to shop around! This was the first store that I went to.

I think that was the moment that God was saying to me, "Don't worry. I will take care of you. Not only will I take care of you, but I will give you good things. You needed one pair of jeans, I gave you two."

(God also threw in a nice comfortable shirt for me for $1.97.)

God has been so faithful to us. Sometimes I look at my life and wonder why He takes such good care of me. I don't deserve it. I definately don't deserve it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wonderful purchases you made, Dawnelle. That was great and really great that you noticed God planned and put the jeans and shirt there for you.
It hurts me to hear you say you don't deserve it! What makes you feel like that, my dear? God made you and He loves you...You are His child so deserve it all!! Thank you Jesus.