Sunday, December 24, 2006

The unexpected gift of sleep

Often when travelling with young children/babies, there is a lurking fear that the change in scenery and sleeping surroundings will cause everyone in the nearby vicinity to be unable to get a good nights sleep.

Well, we have been at my parents house for 4 nights thus far. And I can't say that any one of those nights have been terrible. In fact, I can say that last night has been quite the opposite. I slept pretty good. So did Baby T (obviously if I slept good, so did he). He even slept an entire 4 hour stretch!! And therefore, so did I! Woohoo!!!

Baby E typically wakes up early in the morning to utter some whimpers and whines and beg for snuggles and such, even though when he wakes up he is inevitably being snuggled at the time. This morning however, I heard neither whining or begging.

We all just slept peacefully. As a result, we missed church. Oh well. We go to church every week. How often does a good nights sleep come along? Not often at all. And this is probably the only Sunday in the entire year that it's okay for us all to miss church.

Thank you Baby E and Baby T for the wonderful gift of sleep!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You folks better watch will be zapped with SO MUCH sleep you will be all bewildered!!