Saturday, December 30, 2006

Menacing sunrise

Our Christmas holidays have ended. We are now back home safe & sound. (Keeping in mind the "sound" part is actually the screams being emitted from our dear little baby because he is so tired but having a hard time settling, thus I am vigorously rocking him side to side as I type this in hopes of keeping the screams subdued and possibly even lulling him into a nice peaceful sleep.)

The night before we left I was only actually in bed for 5 hours, but for about 4 of those hours I was actually sleeping and almost 3 of them were consecutive, uninterrupted sleep! Yay! I love uninterrupted sleep. It allows me to dream. I actually slept long enough to have a dream that night. My dream was that of being chased by an assassin whose sole purpose in my dream was to hunt me down and kill me! Then Toviel's hunger woke me up (*whew*) But when I went back to sleep again my dream just picked up where it had left off!! So it was a pretty stressful night. But when I awoke in the morning I was chipper and stated to my dearly beloved that I felt like I had a good sleep.

As a result, after my beloved had driven for an hour, he asked if I would drive for a bit and then he would drive through the icefields, which he is better at that I. So I agreed.

As I was driving and the whole world was sleeping, including all my passengers, the sun started to come up. It wasn't one of those peaceful looking sunrises you read about in sappy romance novels, it was one of those spooky phenomenons you read about in...oh....say Lord of the Rings. The sky was turning blood red in front of my eyes. I felt like I was speeding towards Mordor. The more I thought about it, the more freaked out I became. Keep in mind that I have been lacking in the sleep area for quite some time (save for a random delightful night every couple months) and that just a couple hours previously I had been dreaming about running for my life from an assassin.

I think I could feel my blood pressure rising. And I'm sure the amount of cortisol released from my adrenal gland and pulsing through my veins was not good for me. But it was freaky. And I was freaked out. I was freaked out so much that I was actually making little "gulping" noises. Mordor is not the kind of place I'd like to travel to.

I was happy when the blood in the sky turned to happy pink and blue pastels. I never thought a sunrise could trigger such anxiety.


Anonymous said...

Wow! Are we glad you got to the Icefields in one piece. haha. Those sunrises can be detrimental but happy you kept on the road and to home. You sure went to bed late last night according to your blog-time. Poor you! Oh well, 20 years from now you will never know the difference! Is that helpful??!! Happy New Year to all of you.

white girl said...

Oh Dawnelle, you crack me up! Mordor. I can hear the beating drums and the dismal music...